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Common App essays: Your 10 week plan

If you’re getting started on your Common App essay, it’s easiest if you have your entire plan mapped. That way you know what you need to do by when, and how much time you can spend on each action item. Without solid milestones along the way, it’s easy to lose track of time and you might end up rushing everything towards the end. So, what should that plan look like? 

  • 10 weeks to go: Start with some sample essays. There are a lot of great books out on the market. If you would like some specific titles, check out our Common App breakdown series for prompt 1 and 2. But there are many others. Look for essays that actually got students into your target school. It will give you a good sense of what admissions folks there are looking for. In addition to researching sample essays, start listing up which activities you would like to highlight in your Common App essay.

  • 9 weeks: Read through all of the prompts and fully understand what each topic is asking you. Do not avoid topics because they seem boring or difficult. Act like each one is the only topic and do some serious brainstorming.

  • 8 weeks: Set aside time to complete outlines for all seven prompts. Make sure the outlines are good enough to build full essays; use our topic breakdowns to go over the topics you’re thinking of using. We’ve included sample outlines in each video to help you. Write at least two full essays using different prompts to compare how the tone and message feel to you.

  • 7 weeks: Of the two, pick the essay that you feel is strongest and go over it line by line. Focus on the best sequencing and select the strongest transitions to use for your essay. Reorder and rewrite the most effective version of your essay. 

  • 6 weeks: Focus on individual words and phrases. Work on using the exact words you want to use to best deliver the feeling that you’re trying to convey to the reader. 

  • 5 weeks: Get feedback on your essay. It is hard to be objective about your own writing so sign up to receive a full evaluation on your essay. Another great source is to ask students who actually got into your target school. Also, write outlines for the supplemental essays due on January 1. 

  • 4 weeks: Proofread all supplemental essays, taking note of intended message and quality of writing. Again focus on the best expressions possible to convey the exact message about yourself.

  • 3 weeks: Focus on the individual words and phrases for your supplementals. Confirm that your Common App is the essay you want to submit. Get final feedback on your essays. Submit all final application materials for any schools with January 1 deadlines. Use the holiday break to write rough drafts for all schools due January 15.

  • 2 weeks: Proofread remaining supplemental essays, again focusing on intended purpose and vocabulary to make sure they align with your target school.

  • Final week: Go through a final check on all written materials to be submitted. Get feedback on supplemental essays. Submit all remaining application materials. 

It may seem far out but time goes by really quickly. If you don’t have a plan yet get one in motion. If you have any questions about how to approach your Common App essay, let us know. Drop us a line at