[Action plan] National History Day

National History Day is right around the corner. If you’re an aspiring humanities major or a history buff, you may already be aware of this massive event scheduled to take place just next week. But importantly, the NHD Contest is not something you enter directly. At a national scale, it brings together first and second place winners from multiple affiliate contests to compete in this final round. As you may have guessed, it is a highly competitive and prestigious record to have on your college application. 

So what is NHD exactly? It’s an annual competition that challenges students to explore historical topics related to a set theme. This year’s theme is “Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas.” The themes are deliberately broad enough to allow students to explore topics from any place and time in history. Students can choose to present their research through various mediums, including exhibits, documentaries, websites, performances, or papers.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, as you plan your year ahead, you should be on the lookout for affiliate contests in your region to enter and have a clear understanding of how to approach the contest. We’ve outlined an action plan below to get you started. 

Step 1: Choose a topic 

Think about historical events or figures that interest you and relate to the theme. Do some preliminary research to make sure there is enough information available to create a project. Once you have chosen a topic, start brainstorming ideas for how you can present your research.

Step 2: Research 

Dig deeper into your chosen topic and gather sources. Make sure to keep track of your sources in a bibliography. Take notes on important information and start organizing your research into categories.

Step 3: Develop your thesis statement 

Based on your research, develop a thesis statement that clearly states your argument or perspective on your chosen topic. Your thesis statement should be specific and debatable.

Step 4: Create an outline 

Using your thesis statement and research, create an outline for your project. This will help you stay organized and ensure that your project flows logically.

Step 5: Create your project 

Depending on the medium you choose, start creating your project. Make sure to follow the guidelines and requirements for your category. Give yourself enough time to revise and improve your project.

Step 6: Practice your presentation 

If your category requires a presentation, practice your speech or performance. Make sure to time yourself and practice in front of others to get feedback.

Step 7: Submit your project 

Submit your project by the deadline. Make sure to double-check all requirements and guidelines before submitting.

Remember, first and second place at an affiliate contest takes you to the NHD Contest next year. Make sure to build a workback that gives you enough time to prepare for your entry so you don’t miss out. If you get stuck and need more help, don’t forget you can book a session with us to get things rolling. 


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