College Success Club month 1: FAQs

Whether students plan on starting their club in the fall or they’re setting it up now before the break, kickstarting something new is not an easy task. So we made a list of common questions that students and parents ask when it comes to the College Success Club.

What is College Success Club (CSC)? 

College Success Club (CSC) is a flagship program designed to make education simple, intuitive, and approachable for everyone. Its purpose is to provide a roadmap for students to create their own success story by building a solid college application package while discovering their interests and strengths. The CSC annual plan is designed to be led by rising juniors, but it can be started by younger students as well.

How does the CSC annual plan work? 

The CSC annual plan guides students through a year of starting a club, engaging in activities, planning for college application essays, and much more. Each month has a dedicated topic with a four-week plan that can be repeated and expanded upon in subsequent years.

Where can I find information related to college planning to share with my members? 

All of the materials on are free for students to print and distribute with their members. They provide detailed introductions and process explanations for all of the major milestones in college planning.

How do I start a CSC at my school? 

To start a CSC at your school, gather initial members and define your purpose as a group. Discuss your individual goals and what you want to accomplish as a group. Set a meeting schedule that works for everyone.

What are the benefits of making a CSC at my school? 

By joining the CSC, students give themselves enough time to build out a solid college application package while discovering what they love doing, what they are good at, and what matters to them. This can bring more character and competitiveness to their college application.

What kind of activities does the CSC engage in?

The activities of the CSC vary depending on the month’s topic and the interests of the group members. Activities can include planning for college application essays, engaging in extracurricular activities, doing research, and having fun with others while mapping out your future.

How do I develop a budget for future activities in the CSC?

To develop a budget for future activities in the CSC, figure out how much it will cost to get things done. Discuss how you will fund the club, whether through fundraising or pooling resources from members.

What should I consider when planning a fundraiser for the CSC? 

When planning a fundraiser for the CSC, consider the purpose of the fundraiser, the cost, and how you will use the money. Also consider how many people you need to reach to hit your goal and what shape the fundraiser should take.

How can I use my experience in the CSC for my college application?

You can use your experience in the CSC for your college application by highlighting your involvement in planning and organizing activities, as well as any leadership roles you may have taken on. You can also discuss how your experience in the CSC helped you discover your interests and strengths.

What should I do if I get stuck while planning for the CSC? 

If you get stuck while planning for the CSC, you can schedule a session with us to move things along. You can also reach out to other members of your group for support and brainstorming.


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